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Kifu no Sato > Activities > KURASHIKI



Bikan Area

Although Kurashiki is a modern city, it contains an area of 17th century buildings with distinctive white walls and black tiles. This Bikan area is popular for tourists and art aficionados who frequent the Ohara Museum of Art.

Ohara Museum of Art

Founded in 1930, Ohara Museum of Art is the oldest private museum featuring Western art in Japan. The museum, awarded two Michelin stars in 2007, displays works mainly from the French Impressionist period (including Monet, Pissaro and Gauguin), as well as modern and contemporary Japanese art.

Ohara Museum of Art
Open: Tuesday – Sunday 09:00 – 17:00 (except 28-31 December)
Admission(adults): 1,500 yen
Address: 1-1-15 Chuo, Kurashiki, Okayama
Phone Number: 086-422-0005
WEB: http://www.ohara.or.jp/200707/eng/3_visit/g_i/data/001.html
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